Medicare Part A

Inpatient Hospital Care:

Medicare part A coverage includes care you receive after being admitted into a hospital by a physician. Medicare covers up to 90 days each benefit period in a general hospital. Additionally, you will receive 60 lifetime reserve days. Medicare part A coverage also covers up to 190 lifetime days in a Medicare-certified psychiatric hospital.

Skilled nursing facility care:

Medicare covers your room, board, and certain services provided in a skilled nursing facility. This includes medications, tube feedings, and wound care. It covers up to 100 days each benefit period. To qualify, you must have spent at least three consecutive days in the hospital within 30 days of admission to a skilled nursing facility and must have needed skilled nursing or therapy services.

Home health care:

Though it is normally covered by Part B, Part A coverage will kick in if you have spent at least three consecutive days as a hospital inpatient within 14 days of receiving home care. Up to 100 days of daily care are covered or an unlimited amount of intermittent care.

Hospice care:

Hospice care is covered for as long as your provider certifies it is necessary.

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